Adult Afternoon Only Admission
$21 Adult Afternoon Only Admission includes $1 service fee]
Individual adult ticket for Advanced/Challenging Contras Only. This session is for Experienced Contra Dancers Only. You should be familiar with ricochet heys, petronellas, Rorey O’More, pass the ocean, etc., with minimal prompting. If not, please join us for the evening dance. If you think you're there, come and up your game.
The "Adult Afternoon Only Admission" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Student Afternoon Only Admission
$5.50 Student Afternoon Only Admission includes $0.50 service fee]
Individual student ticket for Advanced/Challenging Contras Only. This session is for Experienced Contra Dancers Only. You should be familiar with ricochet heys, petronellas, Rorey O’More, pass the ocean, etc., with minimal prompting. If not, please join us for the evening dance. If you think you're there, come and up your game.
The "Student Afternoon Only Admission" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.