John Forster and Ken Galipeau
John Forster obviously fell asleep one too many times as a child to the sound of his Tom Lehrer albums. This is evidenced by his twisted sense of humor, his delightfully skewed view of the human condition, and his prodigious skills as a pianist. His songs have a knack for taking the plausible but improbable, and leading that to its implausible but inevitable conclusion by way of unlikely rhymes, horrible puns, and ironic satire. John is a very funny man.
Ken Galipeau is a storyteller, and a gleaner of good songs. He is constantly on the lookout for lesser-known material that ought to be better known. He will intersperse humor with poignency to great effect. He plays guitar, piano, and water-jug, and will sometimes sing unaccompanied. He’s also well known locally as a superb storyteller for adults as well as children.