Dawn Tyler Watson Singer-songwriter Dawn Tyler Watson earned her place among Canada’s elite blues, folk, rock, pop, and jazz performers with her fabulous voice, fiery stage presence, and an incandescent personality that has garnered her national and international recognition. Her sound is infused with traditional gospel and soulful blues. Each performance delivers an astounding range of emotion – from smokin’ hot to sultry smooth to lovingly tender to painfully blue. With a style that is infused with jazz, soul, and Gospel, Watson pushes the boundaries of traditional blues to a whole new dimension of meaning and emotion.
Dawn has three MBA’s, nine Quebec Lys Blues Awards, and a Screaming Jay Hawkins Award for Live Performance. She was recently awarded a Blues Blast Music Award for Female Artist of the Year and has been nominated for four – FOUR! – 2019 Canadian Maple Blues Awards, including Best Album, plus a coveted first-place prize at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis.
Dawn Tyler Watson has cast her musical spell over four continents before landing at Stony Point. Our gain, Canada’s loss (if only temporarily).