403 – Little Toby Walker


403 03/27/2007 Little Toby Walker accomplished fingerstyle guitarist, adept at blues, rags, hot country picking, and skilled singer and songwriter

405 – Jez Lowe & the Bad Pennies


405 04/23/2007 Jez Lowe & the Bad Pennies best known for his songs describing the mining culture, society and people of his native Northeast England

406 – Michael Young


406 04/23/2007 Michael Young composer & fingerstyle guitarist on 6 & 12-string; driving rhythm & groove, innovative fretwork, compelling compositions to soulful ballads.

407 – Jason Spooner Trio


407 05/03/2007 Jason Spooner Trio really caught good attention at NERFA. Great writer, young, on the electric edge of folk; 2X Kerrville New Folk Finalist

408 – Peter James


408 05/03/2007 Peter James sings eccentric songs of arcane experiences and dark characters. Johnny Walker and Philip Morris were his voice teachers

409 – Christine DeLeon


409 05/21/2007 Christine DeLeon Folk Project’s latest songbird with a brand new CD; one FP fan said, *She sounds like Joan Baez… only better.*

410 – Cyminology


410 05/21/2007 Cyminology German jazz group w/vocals by daughter of Iranian emigrants, keyboard, bass & percussion; intense musical color & mystical Persian lyrics

411 – Natalia Paruz


411 06/11/2007 Natalia Paruz impressive credits including performances with renowned orchestras, she plays haunting melodies composed by her husband on musical saw or bells

412 – Zoe Mulford


412 06/11/2007 Zoe Mulford Award-winning songwriter who tackles big eternal themes — love, death, food, laundry, etc. — with humor, lyricism & honesty that charms

413 – Tommy Sands


413 07/10/2007 Tommy Sands Sing Out! calls him *the most powerful songwriter in Ireland, if not the rest of the world.* a mesmerizing performing artist .