221 – Artie Traum


221 08/25/1999 Artie Traum a great solo performance by this loved singer-songwriter-guitarist, shortly after the release of his new album on Narada with stellar guests including The Band

222 – Paul Brubaker


222 08/25/1999 Paul Brubaker songwriter, Mendham High history teacher & jam session organizer who sang with 10,000 Maniacs’ Natalie Merchant

223 – Moses E. Josiah


223 09/30/1999 Moses E. Josiah The International Maestro of the Musical Saw, an award winner from Guyana, who has performed for the Queen of England

224 – The Furry Harmonica Brothers


224 09/30/1999 N/A The Furry Harmonica Brothers Ralph’s duo with Al Podber, master of mandolin, guitar, hamonica & harmony vocals; jugband & old-timey music

225 – Brian McArtle


225 10/14/1999 Brian McArtle plays guitar & sings radio-ready country with gorgeous harmonies from wife Nanette, co-writer Luke Liddy & bass player Walt Super

226 – Ken Galipeau


226 10/14/1999 Ken Galipeau FP regular shares his foot-stomping rendition of a song about shopping in Hell and more amusing stories and songs

227 – Amy Fradon Band


227 11/11/1999 Amy Fradon Band a dynamic vocalist and songwriter, who has worked with a virtual who’s who of folk-roots artists, the harmonies will put your in orbit

228 – Scarlett Blue Duo


228 11/11/1999 Scarlett Blue Duo vivacious Scarlett has toured internationally belting out blues, R & B and funk with Moon, master of the electric blues guitar

229 – America Viva


229 12/09/1999 America Viva Juan Gonzalez & friends from Columbia joyfully play beautiful music of South America on harp, guitar, cuatro & piano

230 – Illegal Contraband


230 12/09/1999 Illegal Contraband Liza DiSavino, AJ Bodnar, Mark Schaffer, and Jeff DeSmedt play spirited contradance tunes & other assorted tomfoolery