Dylan Simpson & Jaybird
Like a Rolling Stone, On a Night Like This, you’ll find Dylan Simpson Callin’ on Heaven’s Door with Hey, Lady, Hey and Beckets of Rain. You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere until you’ve heard the Band on the Hand, Jaybird with Sam and Spiff Tangled Up in Strings as Jody’s Gotta Squeeze Somebody. The Times They Are a-Changin but you can get Shelter from the Storm at our Million Dollar Bash. Come feel Forever Young Dancing in the Wind in your Boots of Spanish Leather. Whatcha Gonna Do? If by a Simple Twist of Fate you miss this dance, you’ll be on Desolation Row with the Subterranean Homesick Blues. Come Under Our Spell and You Shall be Released.
Masks and proof of vaccination are no longer required as long as Morris County remains at the current Green [or Yellow] level.
At the Orange level, masks [N/KN-95 or surgical] are required on all dance lines along with proof of vaccination. At any dance, we may announce that masks are required in all lines.

Dylan Simpson is a recent addition to the stage acquiring his caller chops at Swingin’ Tern. His genial personality comes through in his calling.

Jaybird . . . sassy rhythms, down-to-earth grooves, flights of fancy . . . contra dance heaven. With buttons and strings, Jaybird mixes complex rhythms and joyful energy fueling contra dance mayhem. Jaybird features Jody Kruskal on Anglo concertina, Spiff Wiegand on guitar [and unicorn], and Sam Zygmuntowicz on fiddle.
- Masks and proof of vaccination are no longer required as long as Morris County remains at the Green or Yellow Level. At the Orange level, masks [N/KN-95 or surgical] are required on all dance lines along with proof of vaccination. At any dance, we may announce that masks are required in all lines.
- Our mask policy is based on the current rating for Morris County from the CDC which is posted by 8pm on the Thursday before each dance.
- Please bring your own water bottle with your name on it. Water bottles may be filled at the kitchen sink.
Hourly Schedule
Dance Schedule
- 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
- Beginner's Workshop
- Learn the basics or help the newcomers.
- 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM
- Dance
- The main event.