Ellis Paul

Ellis Paul performs online for Inside the Song’s Series – a concert/workshop hybrid. It’s a peek into the artist’s mind during the act of creation. It’s an opportunity for fans and songwriters to glean a deeper understanding of the back stories, the judgements, the skill set, and the guidelines that influenced the artists we admire in making the songs we love. Tina Ross, host of the series, and a singer-songwriter herself, will guide us all through an hour of music. You will get to ask your questions in the comment section during the show.
Inside the Song is the second Thursday of every month. Attendance is free. Free-will donations are requested and go entirely and directly to the performer.
Join us on zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81724619741?pwd=anQ1K21rSXNqYXl2ZElmOUdqWURnUT09
Ellis Paul is a gifted singer/songwriter. Though some may refer to him as a folk singer, he is more, for lack of a better word, a singular storyteller, a musician whose words reach out from inside and yet also express the feelings, thoughts and sensibilities that most people can relate to in one way or another, regardless of age or upbringing. The exhilaration of the open road. A celebration of heroes. The hope for redemption. Descriptions of those things that are both near and dear. The sharing of love…, intimate, passionate and enduring.
“Despite his success and sense of history, Mr. Paul remains an artist with his eye on the future and an interest in discovering the transformative potential in his music.” – The New York Times