Tret Fure

Tret Fure performs online, Wed, Nov 9th, for our Inside the Song Series – a concert/interview hybrid. Tret Fure will steal your heart, in a good way, and draw you into her stories and songs with her smooth voice, beautiful guitar playing and honest presence.
Inside the song is a peek into the artist and songwriter’s mind during the act of creation. It’s an opportunity for fans/music lovers and songwriters to glean a deeper understanding of the back stories, the judgements, the skill set, and the guidelines that influenced the artists we admire in making the songs we love. Tina Ross, host of the series, and a singer-songwriter herself, will guide us all through an hour of music. You will get to ask your questions in the comment section during the show.
Inside the Song is the second Thursday of every month. Attendance is free. Free-will donations are requested and go entirely and directly to the performer.
Join us on zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81724619741?pwd=anQ1K21rSXNqYXl2ZElmOUdqWURnUT09
To engage with Tret Fure is to feel her warmth, her humanity and her fierce determination. Tret invites you to be part of her family, her stories are our stories at once current and timeless, her lyrics are always well crafted and her music supports and enhances but never overpowers her message. Every album from Tret is a treat and “Stone by Stone” is no exception. – Ron Cooke, KTAL 101.5 FM, Las Cruces, NM
A prolific artist in the contemporary singer-songwriter arena, Tret Fure has released 17 albums and CDs over the course of her 51 year career. In addition to being a gifted songwriter, Fure has engineered and produced countless recordings by a variety of artists, including her own work.
She has been voted best guitarist and engineer Hot Wire Magazine and she has multiple songwriting awards.
Roses in November is yet another masterpiece from Tret. Exceptionally crafted songs delivered with passion, conviction and, yes, soul. Tret weaves magic both in the lyrics and between the lines. This will certainly be on my Best of 2018 list. – Wanda A. Fischer, WMAC Northeast Public Radio
In addition to touring and recording, Tret teaches guitar and songwriting individually and in workshop settings. She paints pet portraits on commission and, an accomplished cook, Fure has also published a cookbook, “Tret’s Kitchen”, featuring her own recipes. Along with bridging the marketing, production, music and art worlds, Tret served for 6 years as President of Local 1000, The Traveling Musicians Association–a union geared toward helping traveling musicians find security and longevity.
Tret is truly a Renaissance Woman!